Welcome to the CIMAT-UNAM-Warwick-Bath (CUWB) webpages. This is a forum that will has promoted and archived mathematicial resaerch actitivies that have taken place since 2015.
The CUWB collaborative research project consolidates the special relationship that has developed over the last ten years or more between Mexican mathematicians and statisticians based in UNAM and CIMAT and the UK. There have been many successful examples of projects involving PhD and postdoctoral exchanges moving in both directions across the Atlantic. Similarly, there has been a very strong tradition of faculty visits in both directions. Underpinning this long-standing relationship has been the drive for scientific excellence.
The aim of the CUWB project is to expand current interactions between the institutions and to to expand the range of subject areas and activities to exploit the wealth of opportunities provided by deep and lasting relationships. Aside from funding that has been provided from the four participating insitutions, additional funding has contributed to projects from Newton Fund (UK), EPSRC (UK) and CONACyT (Mexico).
The CUWB research platform began in 2015 with just three institutions (Bath, UNAM and CIMAT), with Warwick joining in 2023. Prior to 2023, the workshops were referred to as BUC-n, where "n" is a Roman numeral indicating the workshop umber. Since 2023, workshops will be named CUWB-n.
Workshops will run under different themes and will explore ways of creating opportunities through
- Research collaboration and publication; sharing ideas, expertise and data.
- Collaborative Doctoral Training Activities
- Student and staff exchange
- Shared research grant applications
- Connectivity through industrial projects
CUWB workshops may be smaller more focused events with problem solving sessions and intense collaboration, or may take the shape of larger events, involving research courses and interactive sessions.
This webpage archives all of the CUWB activities, the different themes and the evolution of the outputs from each event. In these webpages, you can find information about different research funding opportunities, forthcoming events, details of the academics involved at each of the three institutions and, if you are interested to add to the list of activities, general information about how to organise a BUC or get involved.