CUWB-IV: Frontiers in statistics and probability
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Minicourse speaker | Title and Abstract |
Gareth Roberts |
Retrospective Simulation These lectures will take a fresh perspective on stochastic simulation for use in Bayesian Statistics and Applied Probability. Put simply, retrospective simulation techniques subvert the traditional order of steps in existing sampling algorithms (including inversion samplers, rejection and importance sampling, Markov chain Monte Carlo) in order to effect (often huge) gains in algorithmic efficiency. This short course will introduce the basic techniques, and illustrate them in a number of examples which will include non-reversible MCMC algorithms, simulation and importance sampling of diffusion processes, and draws for major football competitions. |
Jere Koskela |
An ancestral perspective on genetics and genetic algorithms Populations of particles reproducing at random in discrete generations are canonical models of population genetic evolution. Predicting the genetic diversity in a sample from such a population quickly leads one to consider the random tree describing the common ancestry of that sample. Scaling limits of these random trees for large populations gives rise to the field of coalescent theory and yield tractable predictions of genetic diversity, particularly for neutrally evolving populations. The same populations of particles describe a class of statistical learning algorithms known as particle filters. For particle filters, neutral evolution is applicable only to trivial statistical problems so that many of the innovations of coalescent theory are difficult to leverage. Indeed, the fields of mathematical population genetics and particle filtering have been largely disjoint for decades. These lectures will introduce standard tools of mathematical population genetics, as well as particle filters as general-purpose statistical algorithms. Emphasis will be given to the ancestral perspective, and to connections between the two distinct application domains. |
Adrian Gonzalez Casanova and Imanol Nuñez |
Moment duality and the propagation of exchengeability Heuristically, two processes are said to be dual if there exists a function that allows one process to be studied through the other. Sampling duality is a specific form of duality that utilizes a function S(𝑛,𝑥) which represents the probability that all individuals in a sample of size n belong to a certain type, given that the total number (or frequency) of that type in the population is x. While this idea can be traced back implicitly to Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), it was explicitly formalized by Martin Möhle in 1999 in the context of population genetics. such as the simple exclusion process. Additionally, we will discuss a universality result for the Fisher-KPP stochastic partial differential equation. A key focus will be the relationship between exchangeability and duality, providing insights into the lookdown construction. Finally, we will examine a characterization of exchangeable Markov chains and explore how it naturally connects with sampling duality. |
Talks by:
The programe is still to be confirmed, but we plan on the following schedule:
TIME | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Gareth Roberts
Casanova +Nuñez |
Casanova +Nuñez |
Gareth Roberts
Jere Koskela
10.30-11.00 | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee |
Jere Koskela
Jere Koskela
Gareth Roberts
Casanova +Nuñez |
Marifer Gil
Student | |||||
Kari Heine
Yi Yu
Student |
Anita Behme
Student | |||||
Student | |||||
12:45-13:00 | Student | Student | Student | Student | |
Free time
Casanova +Nuñez |
Gareth Roberts
Jere Koskela
16.00-16.30 | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | ||
Lizbeth Peñaloza
Leticia Ramirez
Emilien Joly
17.15-17.30 | Student | Student | Student |
Title and abstracts for the talks:
Anita Behme: Siegmund-duality for Markov processes
According to Siegmund (1976) two time-homogeneous Markov processes $X,Y$ on $\textbb{R}_+$ are dual, if for all $t,x,y\geq 0$. $$\mathbb{P}^x(X_t\leq y) = \PP^y(Y_t\geq x).$$. This duality is a helpful tool in applied probability as it allows (under suitable regularity conditions) to express the stationary law of one of the processes via hitting probabilities of the other process. We recall a few well-known examples of pairs of dual Markov processes and their applications, add new case-studies, and discuss how to find a dual process in the general context of Lévy-type processes. Further, we will shed some light on the connection between the above duality and the related concept of time-reversal as used in the theory of semimartingales.
In this talk, I will start with an overview of the foundational concept of differential privacy (DP). I will then introduce three notions of DP tailored to the federated learning context, highlighting their relevance and implications in distributed settings. The core focus of this talk will be on a functional data estimation problem under a hierarchical and heterogeneous DP framework. I will discuss how privacy constraints impact estimation accuracy and quantify these tradeoffs through the lens of minimax theory. Key aspects of the proofs will also be outlined, as well as some numerical performances.
Dario Spano, Daniel Kious, Andreas Kyprianou Giuseppe Cannizaro, Arno Siri-Jégousse, Sandra Palau, Juan Carlos Pardo, Victor Rivero, Paul Jenkins